About Kanematsu USA
Incorporated in 1910, Kanematsu USA Inc. is a subsidiary of Kanematsu Corporation, one of the oldest global trading companies, founded in 1889 in Japan. Headquarters in Tokyo, Kanematsu Group has 36 offices and over 120 group companies in worldwide with $6 billion in revenue. For over 100 years, Kanematsu USA Inc. has been constantly providing the value added services to our business partners in North America, continuing to grow through repeated business creation with the understanding that our mission is to contribute to society and to our partners.
Message from President
The Kanematsu Group is one of the leading general trading company groups in Japan with a history of more than 130 years. Throughout this long history, we have flexibly developed various businesses to meet the needs from the market and our customers, and also we have continued to advance corporate activities to contribute to global economic development.
As the core company of Kanematsu Group in the USA, Kanematsu USA Inc. has been creating business together with customers since 1910. Our products and services cover all Kanematsu divisions such as food, electronic equipment/components, steel, chemicals, and motorcycle/automotive/aerospace parts, and we have established a long-term partnerships with our business partners in various fields, expanding our business throughout North America and worldwide.
By making use of Kanematsu Group’s global network and supply chain, we will continue to respond to the changes in the market environment, respond to various requests from our clients, customers and partners, and contribute to the global society around the world.
President & CEO
Akihiko Fujita
Corporate Data
Corporate Name | Kanematsu USA Inc. |
Chicago Head office | 1900 East Golf Road Suite 800, Schaumburg, IL 60173 |
Representative | Akihiko Fujita , President & CEO |
Established | 1910 |
(As of June 27, 2023)
Corporate Principle
“Let us sow and nurture the seeds of global prosperity”
“Sow a seed now,” and take action to benefit people around the globe, bade our founder, Fusajiro Kanematsu, setting standard of public duty that we at Kanematsu continue to uphold through a commitment to ethical business principles and corporate responsibility. The beliefs and philosophies that inspired Fusajiro Kanematsu in the late nineteenth century Meiji period, a time when Japan was striving to build national economy, were encapsulated in the document Our Beliefs: Kanematsu’s Guiding Principles in 1967, on the occasion of our merger with The Gosho Company.
Our Beliefs
- Reflecting the pioneering spirit of our predecessors, we believe that fairness and justice should guide our business dealings and the wise use of creative imagination and ingenuity will bring prosperity.
- Our purpose as a Company is not only to build a sound and flourishing business, but to fulfill our responsibilities as a corporate citizen, contributing to society and the security and well-being prosperity.
- As members of a corporations, we act not as individuals but as representatives of that organizations and as such we are bound by Company rules and attendant loyalties and must work together with a spirit of cooperations while cultivating mutual understanding and respect for fellow members.
Kanematsu’s Code of Conduct
- Origin of corporate activities: We became involved in corporate activities to serve our various stakeholders by providing socially valuable goods and services in accordance with the aim of our founder to realize a sustainable society.
- Fair transactions: Our corporate activities are conducted in compliance with laws and ordinances in Japan and abroad, international rules and practices, and internal rules as well as with social common sense.
- Information management & disclosure: Information is properly managed to protect personal information, customer information, and intellectual property and is disclosed in a timely and proper manner to establish mutual trust between Kanematsu and the community and maintain a high level of transparency.
- Respect for human rights: We respect human rights and do not discriminate. Employee career development and capability development are actively supported. Diversity, personality, and character are respected so as to create a dynamic corporate culture.
- Consideration of the global environment: We exercise sufficient consideration in our corporate activities to maintain a sound global environment for sustainable growth.
- Social contribution: We are aware of the importance of our social responsibility as good corporate citizens, and proactively undertake social contribution activities. Employee activities to contribute to community development and to comfortable and safe living are supported.
Gosho’s branch office established in Fortworth, Texas
Crawford Gosho Co., Ltd. established in Austin, Texas
Gosho Company established in Fortworth, Texas
Gosho Company becomes Gosho, Inc.

Founder:Fusajiro Kanematsu
New York office established
New York office becomes Kanematsu Trading Corporation
New York office becomes Kanematsu USA, Inc.
Kanematsu – Gosho

The building where Kanematsu's New York office was located at the time
Kanematsu and Gosho join as Kanematsu-Gosho USA, Inc. (KGUSA)
Kanematsu -Gosho (USA) Inc. becomes Kanematsu USA Inc.
Kanematsu USA Inc.

Chicago Head Office
Chicago Head Office have moved into the new location